Olympic torch comes to King’s !

We thought we’d share our 10 minutes of excitement at King’s College London and the hospital – when the Olympic torch procession made its way through sunny Camberwell – and along Coldharbour Lane, passing the Rayne Institute – where much of the King’s haematology research takes place.

The Rayne also used to be our head-office – before we moved to the hospital itself.

Today the street was filled with King’s staff and happy Camberwellians.

The torch was carried by a King’s member of staff.

Last Wednesday in Harrow it was carried by Dr Ed Glucksman – who is the Clinical Director for Trauma and Emergency Medicine at King’s – and has worked there for 25 years.  An truly amazing and nice person.

We took some photos and included some familiar staff from the haematology department:

Here is a link to the King’s website with more information:




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