Lin Holder - Vice Chair & Treasurer

Lin has many years’ experience in sales, and her last sales position was as a sales and marketing director.

Having left sales, she worked for a charity who were a Centre for Voluntary Services, as their finance officer and deputy CEO.

Their remit was to help voluntary organisations become incorporated to enable them to access funding and fulfil their legal requirements with the Charity Commission. She was also seconded to other charities to help train them and establish their accounting and payroll systems to meet CC requirements.

MDS Patient Support

Lin Holder

She was also involved with the preparation of funding bids to organisations such as Big Lottery, Government and local authorities. The Big Lottery audited closely the use of the funds, and she also helped to prepare outcome reports at the close of projects. She also helped to prepare the annual accounts ready for the accountants to file with the Charities Commission.

Lin took a career change and since 2005 has been teaching accredited accounting and bookkeeping, ICT and maths skills for Kent Adult Education.

As well as her teaching activities, she runs her own business providing accounting, payroll and business services to a range of customers.

Lin has been associated with MDS Patient Support UK since 2018 when the Kent Support Group was founded. Lin’s husband was diagnosed with MDS in June 2018 and was transfusion dependant for red cells and platelets from diagnosis. Sadly, Ron passed away in January 2020.

Lin is also a volunteer for SERV Kent (Bloodrunners) as a controller. This involves taking calls from the NHS, and other settings for blood, platelets, plasma, samples, medication, donated breast milk and equipment. Volunteer riders and drivers then deliver the products to hospitals, and other settings throughout Kent. SERV Kent also work with the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance to ensure that they have blood supplies onboard.


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