Worldwide MDS Groups

MDS UK is in close contact with many MDS groups
all over the world

MDS UK is in close contact with many MDS groups all over the world.

This cooperation is extremely important for rare diseases such as MDS.

This allows everyone to share best practices, experiences - and often enables all groups to save costs and time.

We are able to meet face to face at haematology congresses to discuss progress and issues - and assist one another.

MDS groups also meet with other blood cancer groups - who face similar issues.

The combined voice of all our patient groups is able to make a significant difference regarding campaigns and making sure the voice of the patient is heard at all relevant levels - be it clinical or governmental.

Here are the MDS groups we have contact with.

Do contact them should you ever need assistance in those countries.

Do mention you are a member of MDS UK for an extra warm welcome!

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