We need YOUR help! Help ensure Gov. changes reflect needs of people affected by cancer

The Westminster Government will be changing the way new medicines are priced across the UK.

These changes could affect the type and number of drugs that are made available on the NHS. We think people with cancer should influence these decisions but we want to know what you think.

We do not think the Government has done enough to involve people with cancer in the development of this new system.

Prostate Cancer UK are working with other cancer charities, including MDS UK, to gather the views of people affected by cancer. They will share their findings with the Government so that the voice of people with cancer can help shape their plans.

Please help by filling in a short online survey now. Click the link to have your say: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PCUK_value_based_pricing

The deadline for participating is 1st October 2012.

For other ways to take part and for more information, visit: www.prostatecanceruk.org/valuebasedpricing