Take Part In This Survey And Help To Create Better Tools For Patients
18 May. 2016Thanks to the latest improvements in cancer treatment many more cancer patients are now able to live with their condition.
As a chronic illness, cancer requires long-term watch, maintenance and treatment and patients and their families need to manage their own care.
The iManageCancer project is creating intelligent, fun new ways to allow patients to manage their lives from their mobile phones.
Now they are asking for your help.
This month, they have launched a survey aimed at healthcare professionals, patients and the general public to find out what they'd like to see if they used a personal health record online.
The survey is available to take by clicking here
Everyone can take part, and the more, the better; whether you are comfortable with technology, or not so much.
The results will help to create better tools to help people with cancer, so please to share this with everyone you know!