Results of the Dept. of Health Survey: Hospital Inspections – Led by Patients
20 Aug. 2012In May 2012, we invited MDS patients and carers to take part in a Department of Health web-based survey on what matters to patients and their carers about being in hospital (see our News post). The preliminary results of the survey, ‘Hospital Inspections – Led by Patients’, have now been released.
A total of 3,153 eligible people (those that have been a patient in hospital within the past two years or were a carer) responded to the survey from a range of age groups, ethnic backgrounds and disease types. The majority of respondents were: 61 years or over (44% of respondents), Caucasian (84%) and female (63%).
The Department of Health is seeking clarity on the relative importance placed by the respondents on different aspects of the hospital environment. Respondents answered questions regarding their experiences of cleanliness of hospital areas, food quality and service in hospitals, aspects of privacy and dignity whilst in hospital, linen and other standards of the hospital environment.
To see what respondents reported as most important aspects of what makes a good hospital environment, click here for full results.
Anna Sőrman from Access Advocacy Ltd, the research body who conducted the survey on behalf of the Dept of Health, said: “The views and comments which have been gathered have made a huge contribution to the development of [a] new assessment form. The questionnaire will be piloted in the coming weeks to ensure that it really does help to drive up standards of care, a commitment made by the Prime Minister earlier this year.”