Research Project in Scotland – artificial blood an alternative to blood transfusions

A new and very promising research project is being conducted at the University of Edinburgh with an aim to generate red blood cells in laboratory, using stem cell technology. Ultimately it is hoped that these red blood cells could be given to patients instead of using human blood donors. Using lab-generated blood, which is also infection-free, is thought to offer additional benefits particularly to those relying on regular transfusions.

Although the scientific project is still in its early stages, Dr Emma King – one of the researchers working at the University of Edinburgh – is eager to include patient views on using lab-generated blood. The team would like to set up some face-to-face interviews in Scotland to gather opinions from different groups of patients.

She sent us this message to identify MDS patient interviewees:

“My name is Dr Emma King and I am a researcher at the University of Edinburgh, based in a research group which looks at social science to do with the life sciences.

 I am currently working with a team of scientists who are seeking to grow red blood cells in the laboratory, with the aim of eventually reducing the requirement for human blood donations. My job is to find out what people think about this new technology.

 I am looking for a small number of volunteers who are transfusion dependent and live in Scotland to take part in an interview. This will involve a discussion with me about your experiences with MDS and your thoughts towards this potential new blood product. We are not able to pay you, but we are happy to travel to your home or another convenient location. The interview will last around an hour and will be voice recorded. You are welcome to have a friend or relative join in the interview with you. This project has full ethical approval from the University of Edinburgh and I am happy to provide more information about how this data will be stored and used”

Project conducted by:

Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (STIS)
School of Social and Political Science
The University of Edinburgh
Old Surgeons’ Hall
High School Yards
Edinburgh EH1 1LZ

Please visit their website for further details.

If you are interested in being interviewed by Dr Emma King, please contact our Main Office:

Tel: 02077337558

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