Read the ICBCC Impact Statement and forward letter to your MP
8 Jun. 2022
COVID-19 is not yet over for blood cancer, as you all know. Access to medication and services has been difficult, in the UK, and other countries.
The International COVID-19 Blood Cancer Coalition (ICBCC) has updated their website in May - with further supporters for the cause, and a call for action.
We urge you to read the Patient Impact Statement, and consider forwarding the letter to your MP, asking them to raise the topic in parliament. You could ask;
- What are the plans to increase research to better understand the vulnerability of blood cancer patients to COVID-19?
- Why are not all anti-Covid medications available in the UK yet?
- When can we expect more psychological services for blood cancer patients forced to isolate?
- Write to your MP, with a short summary of how you are remaining in isolation, what it means to you and your family, your employer.
Click here to read the ICBCC Patient Impact Statement