NICE committees recruiting

niceNICE needs new patient/carers/clinical staff members for their guideline committee.
This is a good opportunity to help shape future haematology services in the UK.

Please contact NICE directly to apply and for specific queries – but please feel free to call us if you have general questions about NICE and how MDS UK has participated in appraisals to date.

Please see information from NICE below:

Re:  NICE Improving Outcomes in Haematological Cancers, service guidance (update)

As you may already be aware, NICE is updating ‘The Improving Outcomes in Haematological Cancers – service guidance’ which was published in 2003 (see  The National Collaborating Centre for Cancer (NCC-C) has been asked to carry out this work.

It is very important that we recruit appropriately skilled people to become members of the guideline committee (GC) and we will be advertising through a variety of professional and other channels, inviting people to apply to join the group. We would then select the most appropriate people on the basis of their experience and background.

I would be very grateful if you could circulate this e-mail to anyone within your organisation who may be interested in applying. 

We are looking for representatives from the following professions:

  • Clinical Nurse Specialist x 2
  • Haematologists x 3
  • Paediatric Haematologist x 1
  • Medical Oncologist with an interest in lymphoma
  • Specialised Commissioner
  • Specialist Integrated Haematological Malignancy Diagnostic Service (SIHMDS) lead
  • Histopathologist
  • Radiologist with an interest in haematological malignancy
  • Consultant Clinical scientist with an interest in diagnosis of haematological malignancy
  • Haemato-Oncology Pharmacist
  • Patient / carer representatives x 2

The advert and application form for healthcare professional membership of the GDG (including the job description and person specification) can be viewed on the NICE website at: Member: Haematological cancers service guidance (update) committee group | Join a committee | Get Involved | NICE

The closing date for receipt of applications for healthcare professionals is 5.00pm on Thursday 30th April 2015.  Interviews will be held by telephone on Friday 8th May 2015.

We are also looking for 2 patient/carer members, the advert and application form (including the job description and person specification) can be viewed on the NICE website at: Lay member: Haematological (blood) cancer, service guidance update guideline committee | Join a committee | Get Involved | NICE

The closing date for receipt of applications for patient/carer members is 5.00pm on Thursday 30th April 2015

A copy of the draft scope for this guideline is available on the NICE website Haematological cancers – improving outcomes (update) | Guidance and guidelines | NICE

If you should need further information or clarification please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Lianne Gwillim

Project Manager/ Rheolwr Prosiect
National Collaborating Centre for Cancer / Canolfan Genedlaethol Cydweithredu dros Ganser
2nd Floor / 2il Llawr
Park House / Tŷ Parc
Greyfriars Road / Heol y Brodyr Llwydion
Cardiff / Caerdydd
Wales / Cymru
CF10 3AF

Tel/Ffôn 029 2040 2917
Fax/Ffacs 029 2040 2911
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