Most vulnerable to be offered Spring 2023 COVID-19 booster

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has confirmed its advice for a 2023 spring coronavirus (COVID-19) booster programme offering a vaccine top-up for over-75s, immunosuppressed and residents in care homes for older adults.

In England

Spring 2023 Covid-19 booster programme

  • In England, Spring boosters will start on Monday 17 April 2023 and end on Friday 30 June 2023.
  • The national booking system will open on Wednesday 5 April 2023.


The GOV.UK website states

You should be offered an appointment between April and June, with those at highest risk being called in first. You will be invited to have your booster around 6 months from your last dose but you can have it from 3 months. If you are turning 75 years of age between April and June, you will be called for vaccination during the campaign, you do not have to wait for your birthday.

For more information visit the page on the Covid-19 Spring booster programme in England.   or click below to read the leaflet

In Scotland

Spring 2023 Covid-19 booster programme

  • In Scotland, if you're eligible, spring booster appointments are being offered between 11 April and 30 June 2023.


For Scotland the NHS Inform website states

The timing of your appointment is based on clinical advice and the gap since your last dose. This is to maximise your protection over spring and summer. If you need to rearrange your appointment, you may need to choose a later date. Please ensure your rearranged appointment is after 11 April. More appointments will be added in the coming weeks. If you can't find a suitable appointment now, you can check the online portal or phone the helpline at a later date.

For more information follow the link below to download the Leaflet Guide for Scotland

Wales and Northern Ireland

  • Wales and Northern Ireland, dates are likely to be similar – but no confirmation has yet been sent yet.
  • There will also be an Autumn 2023 booster – that will be delivered in a similar way to this upcoming Spring 2023 booster.

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