MDS UK funds Vitamin B5 tests to support a clinical trial aiming to relieve MDS-related anaemia

Vitamin B5 Study

MDS UK is delighted to be funding the development of an assay (a range of tests) to measure Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) levels in patients. This follows up on a study that demonstrated Vitamin B5's role in restoring red blood cell production in MDS patient cells.


In 2023, Dr Kevin Rouault-Pierre (Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London) and his research team published a ground-breaking study in the Science Translational Medicine journal, illustrating that Vitamin B5 can rescue defects in the production of red blood cells in patients with MDS.  Where the initial study was conducted using cells in a laboratory setting, this next phase will be patient-focused, with the aim being to determine the optimum dosage levels and formulation required to increase red blood cells. This will feed a funding application for a clinical trial to reduce the frequency of blood transfusions and alleviate anaemia-driven chronic fatigue. 

In order to translate this research from bench to clinic, Dr Kevin Rouault-Pierre, in collaboration with Dr Onima Chowdhury from Oxford University Hospitals, and supported by MDS UK, are preparing an application to fund the clinical trial. This effort is sponsored by Birmingham University Cancer Research Clinical Trials Unit, with the aim of applying to fund the clinical trial in 2025 and will get underway in early Spring 2025. 

As well as providing the funding for this exciting study, we will be helping facilitate the trial’s PPIE requirement (Public and Patient Involvement and Engagement).  We will be launching the study soon in an online event, invitations will go out to members by email (if you are a member but not receiving regular emails and newsletters from us please email to ensure you are subscribed).

The Vitamin B5 Study Clinical Trial Team

MDS Patient Support

Dr Kevin Rouault-Pierre is group leader and a Reader in Stem Cell Biology and Diseases at the Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London. 

MDS Patient Support

Dr Shoshana Burke is a Clinical Research Fellow in Dr Rouault-Pierre’s laboratory and a clinician at the Barts Health NHS Trust.

MDS Patient Support

Dr Onima Chowdhury is a consultant haematologist in the Haematology department at Oxford University Hospitals where she looks after patients with myeloid malignancies. She is also a clinical lead in the diagnostics laboratory.

For more information 



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