MDS UK during the Coronavirus Crisis: request to patients & carers – 30/03/2020

Message from MDS UK team – to help each other get through the next few weeks.

Please stay home unless told otherwise by your clinical team.

A letter should have been sent to you with instructions for your ongoing care.

If you haven't been contacted, you can register on

If you feel unwell – call your clinical team – DO NOT attend hospital.

Special Request to MDS Patients:

We urge patients to ask their families, friends, colleagues to absolutely STAY HOME – unless they are key workers of course.

Together, if we all cooperate – we can drastically slow the spread of the virus.

You can play your part and help from your home.

PLEASE do it – tell your contacts to stay home – as this is the ONLY way to slow the spread down to a manageable situation.

Help your NHS and all clinical staff working to save lives.

If we all cooperate and act wisely – we can get through this.

MDS UK Helpline:

If you feel distressed, depressed, anxious – or have a query - please call our helpline – now open 24/7: Tel 02077337558

Registrations for new MDS UK members:

As we are working from home in limited conditions – we ask you to please consult our website for all information – rather than us sending you a hard copy out by post.

We will reserve those paper copies of the Newsletters and patient booklets to people without internet access.

As the situation improves – and we can get back to the office – we will send you a pack of course.

Thank you for your understanding.

Mutual support and contact to others:

Use our Facebook page, and our online forum for mutual support.

We are working on making virtual meetings available - to help with the feeling of isolation – emotional and now physical.

Information from international sources:

We are working with all our international cancer patient advocates to bring you the best and latest advice.

We are seeing an unprecedented and superb cooperation across all our networks.

Blood donations

Please encourage people to donate blood.

We need more stocks of blood more than ever to make up for the shortfall of people who are sick.

We will post more on this shortly – to start an international campaign.

Thank you to all of you.

Stay VERY safe please.

Sophie, CEO and Team MDS”

Coronavirus Advice: Stay at Home