MDS on BBC1 – Hunted

Update: Response from the writer! (see below)

The BBC1 drama Hunted has featured MDS in one of their story lines – in the most recent episode Polyhedrus.

One of the side characters mentions she suffers from frequent nose bleeds and bruising – and explains it is due to a platelet disorder called MDS.

This is a very brief mention – but we are nevertheless glad to see MDS featured in a mainstream TV programme on a major channel – as it will raise some awareness of the condition.

We are trying to find out from story writer Frank Spotznitz or the BBC why they chose to feature MDS – and would like to congratulate them on having done so.  Do write into the BBC with any comments you may have as patients.

Frank Spotnitz has replied via his TV Blog:
84.At 20:03 14th Nov 2012, Frank Spotnitz wrote:  Thank you so much for all the thoughtful comments. They’re greatly appreciated. We featured MDS because it fit our storyline. I’d be delighted if the episode in some small way helps lead to a broader awareness of the condition.  Http://


We also wish BBC had perhaps offered support information after the programme – for anyone affected by MDS.

This is the link to the BBC I player – watch at 7:08 to 8:50 min into the episode:

Many thanks to our 2 patient members who called us to mention this programme.  They were quite surprised!

Please always do let us know if you spot any mention of MDS in the media – as we are not always aware of it.

MDS Patient Support

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