MDS Ireland Support Group

This support group was established in 2012 with the help of Doctors, Patients and Family members. Its aim is to raise awareness of MDS in Ireland and to enable patients to share their personal experiences and offer each other emotional and moral support.

The group also provides practical advice and tips to help cope with different situations.

Please visit their website for more information.

To follow MDS Ireland on Facebook - just click here.

June 1st – Dublin Mini-Marathon


Our congratulations go to Christine O’Daly

for her terrific effort in this event !

May 17th – Fundraising Concert.

A superb concert was given in St. Andrew’s Church, Westland Row, Dublin to raise awareness and funds for MDS. Many thanks to Christine O’Daly for all her work in making this happen.

The following very famous text is copied here, taken from the church’s website.

For those patients whose lives are deeply informed by religion, there can be few more moving words on the subject of solace: “Come to me all you who are burdened and I will give you rest”.

Patient Experience

Brian Adair, recently diagnosed with MDS, had this article published in the Northern Ireland Water Newslatter.

In it he talks about the incredibly important need for blood donors.

Free donations by shopping