Luspatercept – lobby your local MP!

MDS Patient Support

Luspatercept (also known as Reblozyl) is a drug widely used in the US, EU, Australia and Canada to treat MDS patients.

It was expected to be available in the UK by now, but last year the manufacturer, Bristol Myers Squibb, withdrew its application to NICE for licensing in the UK.  The reasons for this are unclear but believed to be commercial.

Luspatercept can be beneficial for MDS patients, especially those with a particular sub-type, and BMS’s decision to withdraw was a blow to the blood cancer community.

One of our members, Angela Wilson, has successfully lobbied her local MP, Chancellor and ex Health Minister Jeremy Hunt, who has personally agreed to take this up with current Health Minister Victoria Atkins.

Campaign for Luspatercept in the UK

To lend your voice to this campaign you could lobby your own local MP. We've drafted a letter you may like to use which you can download from here.

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