King’s 100 Artworks Auction

KCH centenary logo

Do you or a close relative paint or sculpt or create other forms of art?
We’d like to hear from you please.

A group of King’s nurses, patients and local people are organising an auction of 100 artworks to celebrate 100 years of King’s in Camberwell and the rich artistic heritage of the local area.

So far they have collected 20 artworks from talented patients and staff, well-established local artists and internationally well-known artists such as Maggie Hambling. All submissions are welcome – the closing date is the end of September.

The auction is being supported by South London auction house Rosebery’s, and the full catalogue will be available on their website in the month before the auction.

You’ll be able to bid for artworks from:

– Maggie Hambling
– Janet Maguire
– Tom Leighton

Tickets will be available from October from King’s College Hospital as well as local shops and businesses.The auction will be on the 12th of December- watch this space for details of the venue!

Here is the King’s Together We Can Charity website:

If you’re an artist who would like to donate your work or you’re just interested in getting involved, please contact Joanna or Geke at
  and tell them you represent the MDS group of patients.
Do tell us at MDS UK if you are donating some art work as well please – we’ll feature your piece of art on our website.

An official poster is being finalised right now – check the website again soon.

Thank you!

Free donations by shopping