I want to raise money for MDS UK

Why fundraising for MDS? Watch the video:

If you'd like to fundraise for us, please fill in this form!

    MDS UK does not receive any other types of grants or assistance from Government or Trusts.

    We need funds to offer patients these services free of charge:

    National and local meetings for patients and families

    A 1 day meeting costs about £5,000 for 100 attendees

    Patient Meetings

    2 newsletters per year, leaflets & information material

    We send out about 15-20 information packs a month

    Information Material

    A telephone helpline, manned 5 days a week

    We get about 10 calls a week from patients and family members

    Contact Us

    Our website and online discussion forum

    Visited by more than 32,000 people last year

    Visit the Forum

    2 Facebook pages

    One public, liked by 2,150 people, and one confidential, with 686 members

    Visit our Facebook page

    A national survey project

    Assessing the needs of UK MDS patients amongst 450 MDS patients

    Complete our survey

    You can make a significant difference to our small charity.

    Maybe you have a particular talent or skill, or you know someone with useful contacts?

    Every single fundraiser will be absolutely worshipped!

    With your help – we can help.

    Many thanks from the MDS UK Team

    MDS Patient Support

    Free donations by shopping