Help improve the blood transfusion experience for MDS patients
19 Sep. 2017How can blood transfusions be improved?
Depending on blood transfusion has a negative impact on the quality of life of MDS patients, but it is unavoidable for many patients.
That is the reason why a group of Canadian and United Kingdom haematologists are looking into running a series of studies to improve the red blood cell transfusion experience for MDS patients and improve their quality of life.
Before doing so, they are on a quest to understand better how red blood cell transfusions are being conducted today and ask patients what could be done, in their opinion, to make it better.
How can you help?
If you are a Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) patient, you live in the US, the UK or Canada and you've been receiving at least one unit of red blood cells every eight weeks for the last 4 month period, the research team would like to hear from you.
MDS Red Blood Cell Transfusion Survey
You are invited to participate in this online survey.
The online survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes. Your responses will be kept strictly confidential. Be reassured that they will not collect any information that will personally identify you.
Your participation in the study is voluntary, i.e. you may choose not to participate at all and you may exit the survey at any time.
The Research Team
Rena Buckstein MD FRCPC Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology
Yulia Lin MD FRCPC Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Jeannie Callum MD FRCPC Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Simon Stanworth MD Consultant Hematologist, NHS Blood and Transplant, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust