Missed the Harrogate MDS Patients & Family Forum? Catch Up Online!
20 May. 2019Patients and their families heard about the latest in MDS research and treatment
The latest MDS UK Patient and Family Forum took place in Harrogate on Friday 22nd March.
It was an invaluable opportunity for those affected by MDS to hear about the latest developments in MDS research and treatment.
The meeting was open to MDS patients and their guests, as well as clinical staff. Patients and their families had the opportunity to participate in informal discussion regarding their quality-of-life issues, new clinical trials, new diagnostic methods, therapies and treatment options.
The day also included presentations by MDS experts, guest speakers and patients. The list of speakers included Prof David Bowen, Consultant Haematologist, St. James's Institute of Oncology, Leeds, Dr Simone Green, Castle Hill Hospital, Cottingham, Hull and Dr Anjum Khan, St. James's Institute of Oncology, Leeds, among others.
Read The 2019 Forum Presentations with the Latest News on MDS
New advances in MDS & emerging treatment options by Dr Catherine Cargo
- Advances in understanding MDS genetic biology
- How can this help in the diagnosis, risk assessment & treatment?
Clinical Trials in MDS by Dr Simone Green
Which clinical trials are open to recruitment in the UK? What are their aims?
What are Myelodysplastic Syndromes and what are their current treatment options by Prof. D. Bowen
- What is MDS?
- What are the goals for treatment?
- How do we treat MDS in the UK in 2019?
The European MDS Registry - by Dr Catherine Langton
What is a Registry Trial? How can it improve the lives of patients?
Following our Harrogate Patient Forum, we had several attendees interested in helping us start a local MDS group for Yorkshire.
If you are interested in joining this group, and contributing, please contact us on info@mdspatientsupport.org.uk .
We also had requests, and interest to start a local group for Newcastle, which we will look into as well.
Again – please contact us if interested!