Shop online & raise funds!

Give without even noticing it: Give as you Live

Give as you Live is a free and very easy way to raise money for us – without having to donate anything yourself – simply by shopping online via this website.

If you use the internet to buy goods, hotels, travel or services online, please consider using this scheme, which allows you to raise funds at no cost to you!

Sign up, and browse the Give as you Live website for the store you want to shop with. Click 'shop now' to go to their website, then continue to shop as normal.

Give as you Live will then email you within 1-7 days to let you know how much you've raised for us.

MDS UK is registered on Give as you Live. All you need to do is register and then shop online as you would normally do.

Please forward to friends and family. Thank you for your on-going support.

Contact us

Telephone: 020 7733 7558

Your kind donation will be acknowledged in writing.

Free donations by shopping