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05 Mar 2016

TJ’s MDS Soirée

When is this event:

Date: 05/03/2016
12:00 am




TFL London Underground Charity Surrey
Burhill Golf Club, Burwood Road
Walton on Thames, Surrey KT12 4BL United Kingdom
+ Google Map
MDS Patient Support

TJ’s MDS Soirée will be a night to remember – no doubt!

MDS Charity Auction and Raffle Night

Tracey Cottrell is scheduling a marvellous evening to raise awareness of MDS – Myelodysplastic Syndromes, as well as funds for MDS UK Patient Support Group.

Tracey’s Dad was diagnosed with MDS, which is why she got in touch with us, and what prompted her to organise this wonderful event.

The date for this elegant soiree is the 5th March at: Burhill Golf Course, in Surrey.

Exact times are yet to be confirmed

The evening will consist of a fantastic silent auction, as well as a raffle with some fabulous prizes.

Amazing Prizes

The list of prizes is increasing every day – thanks to the incredible generosity of many companies and businesses whom we’d like to thank already:

Lyme Tree House Bed and Breakfast near Axminster –
Lyme Tree HouseAlio’s Italian Delicatessen – Walton On Thames
Hair Mecanix – West Byfleet
Longacres Garden Centre Outdoor, Country and Leisure clothing Sale in Bagshot
Bocketts Farm ParkNando’sBirdworld Farnham SurreyHobbledown – Epsom
Loch Fyne – details to come
Guildford Spectrum Leisure ComplexSilvermere Inn on the LakePrize from the Rugby World Cup
Signed Fly Fishing Book

Tracey Cottrell showing her support to raise awareness of MDS

Tracey Cottrell raising awareness of MDS

Tickets for the Raffle are On Sale Now

The evening is open to anyone wishing to attend and tickets for the raffle are on sale now. Please email Tracey on mdssoiree@outlook.com

There will also be a brief presentation on MDS for those who are not so familiar with this complex and rare type of blood cancer.

Burhill Golf Course

Burhill Golf Course in Surrey: a fabulous venue

Great many thanks to Tracey and her family for organising this evening, to all those donating prizes, and to all attendees who will come to support this event.

The funds raised will assist MDS UK in maintaining our services to MDS patients and their families, as well as plan more support and information events in the future.

Willing to Donate More Prizes?

If you are a business or individual willing to donate prizes for this generous event, please get in touch with us on fundraising@mdspaientsupport.org

Waitrose also has been very generous in connection to MDS UK with £500 being raised through their Community Matters scheme – many thanks to all the staff and customers who have contributed to this.

Free donations by shopping