- This event has passed.
Date: | 08/12/2017 |
Time: |
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
When: Friday, December 08: 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
Where: The Maggie’s Centre, Churchill Hospital, Old Road, OX3 7LE
The meeting will be led by Kirsty Crozier, our Clinical Nurse Specialist and will be followed by an optional (!) Christmas Lunch at a local pub.
Speakers: Firstly, an update from one of the staff at Maggie's Oxford on the services they currently offer to cancer patients.
Secondly, Catherine Richards of Aylesbury Vale and Chiltern Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) will provide an overview of the Living With and Beyond Cancer Project. This project is designed to capture the views of patients living with cancer or beyond their treatment in order to inform the development of services. The meeting is therefore a key opportunity for MDS patients to suggest and discuss how the services offered to them might be improved.
If you intend to come by car, please park in one of the Churchill Hospital car parks, and not the one beside the Maggie’s Centre, which belongs to the neighbouring Nursery.
For more information or to confirm your attendance please contact Claudia Richards (07979 250563)
If you have not contacted the MDS UK Patient Support Group before and would like to receive a full Patient Information Pack, please contact our Main Office.
Claudia Richards |
MDS UK Main Office |
oxfordgroup@mdspatientsupport.org.uk |
mds-uk@mds-foundation.org |
07979 250563 |
0207 733 7558 |