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29 Dec 2013

Molly Smith’s headshave!

When is this event:

Date: 29/12/2013
6:00 pm




Molly Smiths Essex
Molly Smiths Essex
Essex, United Kingdom
+ Google Map

Update – post head-shave!

Mollysmith-before&after3 Here is Molly and her brilliant new short crop after she has had her long blond hair shaved off – to raise awareness and funds for both MDS – and Breast Cancer.
She has raised a phenomenal £3000 – and hopes to still collect a bit more.
So if you have not sent her a few pounds just yet – this is the time to do it!

Here is what Molly has sent us about her experience:

Shaving my hair on the 29th December was the best thing I’ve ever done in my life and I don’t regret one bit of it!

Everyone had such a lovely day and a big thank you to my mum who raised over £500 just doing a raffle on the day and also a big thank you to Leanne Jarvis from the voice and looking for Liam band who came alone and supported me!

I have nearly reached my target of £3000 and I hope to keep getting more sponsors hopefully!

My grandad on the other hand is still not coping well and he seems to get worse every time I see him but he’s a hero and I know he’s going to keep going strong and he’s going to keep making me and my family proud!

He cried and sobbed on the day I shaved my hair because he said he couldn’t be any prouder of me and that made me the proudest grandaughter ever!!

I love my new look and I hope you all do too x

We can’t thank you enough Molly for your this drastic decision – and think you look fantastic.
It is a really effective way to raise interest – and I hope you got loads of queries and questions about MDS – and also how people can help by donating their stem cells.

We also posted your photos on our Facebook page – and many people have already left lots of positive messages.
It sounds like you had a great day – full of music, laughter and emotions.

We thank all of the wonderful people who helped and participated:
Leanne Jarvis, the BBC Voice – listen to her here: http://www.leannejarvis.co.uk/#!music/ciid Looking for Liam band: we managed to find a little clip here – Looking good on the dance floor – very suitable for Molly! http://youtu.be/Tp7m77HO8ps Especially Molly’s Mum for all her efforts doing a raffle and much more no doubt!

…and of course thank you to all the generous people who sponsored and encouraged you Molly to go through with the hairshave!

We hope you feel really proud – especially as you are our youngest fundraiser ever!  Well done.
We wish you and your grandad all the best – and thank you both for all you have done!

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Molly Smith2webMolly’s headshave – for her Grandad

We just heard from a very determined young lady, who is planning a headshave – to raise funds in the name of her Grandad.
The event will take place on the 29th December 2013.

Judging from the lovely long blond hair on the photo – this will be a radical new look for Molly!
Thank you so much for this Molly – we are sure this will raise a huge amount of much needed awareness of MDS – as well as funds.


Molly has sent us her very touching reason of why she is going ahead with her fundraising event.
Here it is – in her own words:

Basically my grandad Trevor smith has had bone marrow failure for a number of years now and became a member of the MDS UK Patient Support Group.

Seeing my grandad so ill has been the worst thing throughout my life, but yet on the other hand I am so lucky to still have him here!
We have been through everything together my family, and I know that my grandad who I call ‘pa’ is the strongest man ever!

He is truly my inspiration.  I don’t know a more caring, supportive man who does everything for charity!

Since my dad died 12 years ago when I was three my pa has been there and kept me going through everything!  To loose him I would be lost and I know the rest of my family would too.
I love my grandad loads.

Many thanks I hope this helps.

We have no doubt this will help many people to understand why you are doing this – and why your “pa” means so much to you and your family.

Thank you so much Molly for this very moving explanation behind your gesture.
Here is also some information about Molly herself: Molly Smith3web

I’m will be 16 years of age in December.
I want to do this head shave because I want to raise money for your charity and I’m also donating half the money to Breast Cancer UK and I have a close family connection with this.
My family have supported me all the way and I hope your charity can to xx.

We certainly will support you Molly! Well done. I believe you are our youngest fundraiser to date – this is very impressive.

Please share Molly’s fundraising page widely:

The date is – 29 December 2013


Many many thanks to you Molly – and we wish your “pa” all the best to cope with the ups and downs of living with MDS.