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07 Jul 2013

King’s Open Day and Sophie’s abseiling

When is this event:

Date: 07/07/2013
11:00 am - 4:00 pm




King’s College Hospital
Denmark Hill
London, SE5 9RS United Kingdom
+ Google Map

Here are the photos – and video – covering the haematology part of the Open Day at King’s College Hospital, 2013.
It was a fantastic day – extremely well attended – and really interesting stalls about all aspects of King’s medical services.
Staff came out in force to help explain and demonstrate what they do every day.
Children had a fantastic and fun learning day.
The children’s haematology quiz was really popular amongst the 6 to 13 years old – who left us many great answers about how much they had learnt about blood cells, their roles in carrying oxygen and fighting germs and the need for stem cell donors.


MDS Nurse Geke and Sophie setting up a transfusion line for demonstration


A close look at blood slides showing leukaemia cells – with Geke on hand to answer questions


Our 2 great helpers on the day – Coco and Lily – who co-devised our haematology quiz – to make sure it was well suited for all ages. A very dedicated team who also came to the Windsor Walk with Mum Laurel.


Dr Shreyans Gandhi with young son Arham explaining the different haematological disorders to an interested visitor.


Sophie explaining the process of stem cell donations to someone who then registered with Delete Blood Cancer to be a donor. Thank you sir!


Another very interested young visitor.


The children’s haematology quiz in full swing – we had 23 completed questionnaires – and different prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners in each category of difficulty! Well done everyone.


Shreyans assisting with explanations


Probably our youngest visitor on the stand with Mum – taking a peek at blood cells.


Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Nurse Marlene and Sophie


Dr Victoria Potter, Dr S Gandhi and Sophie



Sophie getting to grips with injecting food colouring into the transfusion bag – not something she does every day


Transfusion bag demonstration (and yes it was coloured water – not real blood!)


King’s College London haematology researcher signing up to be a stem cell donor with Delete Blood Cancer! Thank you! (and she is also our talented T-shirt designer!!)



Preparations for transfusion demonstration



Lily and Coco hard at work



MDS nurse Geke Ong providing explanations



Dr Gandhi, who looks after Aplastic Anaemia patients


Dr Victoria Potter, consultant Haematologist and Marlene Allmann, Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Specialist Nurse


We had loads of people looking at slides and asking questions. A few children had friends affected by leukaemia in their school.


Sophie getting ready for the abseil from the 5th floor – 100 feet up



Not forgetting the gloves (just a tad large…) and the fetching bonnet.


Last harness safety checks



A wave from the top (after hesitating a while whether it was a good idea to look down…)

Abseil official

Official photo from the top (however photographer a tad slow and I was already on my way – so no cheesey tense grin from me).


DONE!!! wearing the specially designed abseil T-shirt!!
All funds to go to King’s College charity this time to support the work they do.
You can sign up for lots of challenges with them – whatever your ability.


Edu - our web designer from Open-ecommerce

Edu – our web designer from Open-ecommerce



Sophie’s abseil on King’s College Hospital Open Day on Vimeo.



King’s College Hospital is getting ready to celebrate 100 years in South London, Camberwell – with their annual Open Day on Sunday 7th July 2013.

kch abseil 2For this occasion, Sophie has volunteered to abseil the Golden Jubilee – to raise funds for King’s and the haematology department.
There will be 100 abseilers in total on the day – to descend the 100 feet of the Golden Jubilee building.
You can send contributions and words of encouragement via Sophie’s Virgin Money Giving page:
The page will remain open for 1 month after the event.

The Open Day starts at 11am with many activities for adults and children and information stands for the different clinical departments at the hospital.

Face-painted boy in front of King's College Hospital enjoying the Open Day

Here is the King’s invitation to everyone:
We will be opening our doors to the local community again to give people the chance to learn more about their local hospital. They can find out about the fantastic work taking place on their doorstep, as well as meet our staff.

This year marks a special year for King’s as we celebrate the hospital being in Camberwell for 100 years. Some of our activities will be special centenary-themed events in addition to the traditional family-orientated activities we have at this annual event, including:

  • a teddy bear hospital
  • live music
  • sponsored abseil down Golden Jubilee Wing
  • interactive displays by our various hospital departments about the heart, brain, skin, day surgery, teeth, liver and more
  • children’s entertainers
  • street dancers
  • face painting
  • science experiments
  • entertaining and informative demonstrations by the London Fire Brigade and the Metropolitan Police
  • as well as a great deal more.

Visit the King’s Open Day web section for the latest information about what’s happening on the day.

See you Sunday 7 July, 11am to 3:30pm.

Free donations by shopping