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30 Sep 2021

Invitation to participate in a meeting with GenoMed4All

When is this event:

Date: 30/09/2021
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm


MDS Patient Support

“GenoMed4All” is offering a free virtual meeting on «GenoMed4All: meeting with myelodysplastic syndromes, multiple myeloma and sickle cell disease European patients’ associations” that will be held the 30th of September between 5 pm and 6.30 pm.

The aim of this meeting is to provide an overview of GenoMed4All mission, clinical pilots and relevant Artificial Intelligence (AI) use-case applications to representatives of major patients’ associations in Europe covering myelodysplastic syndromes, multiple myeloma and sickle cell disease, the three clinical areas related to the project.

Speakers will present the cutting-edge advance in AI for the diagnosis, treatment and follow up of those rare haematological domains, underlining the increasing role of AI in improving and accelerating patient access to personalised medicine.

At the end of presentations, an open discussion will follows, in order to gather patients’ representative feedback, discuss their issues, needs and expectations, in view of increasingly involving patients’ advocates in the development of clinical AI tools. That is why your presence is really important and appreciated.

To confirm participation and receive connection details, please contact Mariangela Pellegrini, ERN-EuroBloodNet on mariangela.pellegrini@aphp.fr

18:00 – Welcome & opening (Federico Alvarez, Universidad Politecnica De Madrid)
18:10 – Introduction of European patients’ associations and European Patient
Groups Representatives (ePAGs):

  • ERN-EuroBloodNet Red blood cell ePAGs (Loris Brunetta, Thalaessemia
    International Federation)
  • ERN-EuroBloodNet Lymphoid ePAGs (Ananda Plate, Myeloma Patients
  • ERN-EuroBloodNet Myeloid ePAGs (Sophie Wintrich, MDS Alliance)
  • EURORDIS (Ariane Weinman)

18:30 – The GenoMed4All pilots: disease overview and clinical open issues

  • Myelodysplastic syndromes (Matteo Della Porta, Humanitas Research
  • Multiple myeloma (Elena Zamagni, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di
  • Sickle cell disease (Raffaella Colombatti, Università degli Studi di Padova)

18:45 – AI for genomics & personalised medicine: clinical use cases (Gastone
Castellani, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna)
19:00 – Q&A session (All)

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