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26 Aug 2019

Dave, Fiona and Brian ‘s dive on a 19th century wreck in aid of MDS UK

When is this event:

Date: 26/08/2019


Dover Marina
Harbour House, Marine Parade
Dover, CT17 9BU United Kingdom
+ Google Map

On Bank Holiday Monday, 26th August, David and Fiona Batchelor and Brian Robinson, a fellow member of the Folkestone 501 Sub Aqua Club, arranged for 16 divers to dive on a wreck that had sunk in the 19th century in the English Channel.

Dave, who is a former merchant seaman and diving instructor as well as a keen maritime historian, owns a boat moored in Dover Marina, which he uses for diving expeditions. Dave and Fiona were keen to spread the voice about MDS UK Patient Support Group and wanted to donate all the fees received for the day's dive to help our Charity.

Dave and Fiona are very good friends of our dear Chairman Ted Peel and have previously supported his efforts in raising money for MDS and other cancer charities.

Ted told us:

Dave, who is a former merchant seaman and diving instructor as well as a keen maritime historian, owns a boat which is moored in Dover Marina which he uses for diving expeditions.

Dave and Fiona were keen to assist MDS UK and wanted to donate all the fees received for the day's dive to help our Charity. He invited my wife and I on board prior to the dive, to talk about MDS with Brian and the divers. We also used the opportunity to distribute our latest Newsletters and MDS information slips.

Following the dive and return to port, the divers involved kindly donated additional monies to MDS UK. The total donated was a fantastic £651!

Dave said to us:

We wanted to do something special for Ted to show how much we admire the way he has fought his MDS with strength and fortitude. Also, his determination to raise funds for research into MDS and highlight how little is known about this type of blood cancer. Most of all we wanted to do it because we love Ted.

We feel incredibly lucky to have Dave, Fiona and Brian fundraising for us. The amazing scuba diving event they've organised made more people aware of MDS, this rare condition which is totally unknown amongst the general public.

We are immensely grateful to all the people that were involved.

All the money raised goes to ensure that MDS patients and families receive the attention and information they need during those particularly difficult times – straight after diagnosis, at treatment changes, time of transplant or progression of the condition.

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