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18 Sep 2015

Car Boot Sale and Golf Day in Memory of Dan Crowley

When is this event:

Date: 18/09/2015
11:00 am - 5:00 pm


Tilgate Golf Club
RH10 5EU United Kingdom + Google Map

These amazing fundraising events organised by Dan Crowley’s widow, Stella and all their family and friends took place back in September 2015. The family has been holding the Golf Day for the last 5 years in a row.

The full sum raised – £7.288 – is truly phenomenal and the most anyone has ever raised for MDS UK at a single event. We are immensely grateful to Stella and her family, as well as all their friends for the generous support.

The Car Boot Sale

Stella Crowley and her amily and friends at the car boot sale

Stella Crowley and her family and friends at the car boot sale

This is what Stella told us about the event:
“Well luckily we didn’t have to do a ‘Dancing in the rain routine!!!! Weather was great and we raised £605, we were all amazed as we really didn’t think we could top last year. I am so proud of my family and friends for helping. We didn’t have much time for photo opportunities as we really were too busy but one kind buyer took a couple for us which I have attached.”

According to Stella, her grand-daughter Billie was in charge of toys and quite a lot of them ended up in Daddy’s boot than were sold. We were very impressed at how much Billie has grown from the event in 2014, when the MDS T-Shirt looked like a dress on her!

Billie in the Car Boot Sale

The Golf Day

Crowley's Golf Day

Stella says:
“Terry worked hard and the golfers really enjoyed the day again, They started off with bacon butties and my friends were there at the 9th hole selling them nibbles and drinks and raising lots of money!! Then after completing the course back to the club for ham, egg and chips, the auction and raffle.
I am so proud of my family and friends and the staff at Tilgate Golf Club for helping to make the day so successful.
Everyone was so generous with their time and money!!”

We would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone involved, in the name of the MDS Patients Support Group. Events like this make a tremendous difference to our work, the support we are able to offer and the general awareness of Myelodysplastic Syndromes.

Even the dogs joined in in support to MDS!

Dogs at the Crowley's Golf Day

Crowley Golf Day Champions

Crowley Golf Day Champions

Alll the ladies in MDS T-shirts and with red balloons too

All the ladies in MDS T-shirts and with red balloons too

Free donations by shopping