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20 Apr 2016

Cancer52 Parliamentary Event

When is this event:

Date: 20/04/2016
4:00 pm


MDS Patient Support

You are Invited

Please join us to attend this very exciting event at the House of Commons to raise awareness of MDS and other rare or less common cancers.

We encourage you to bring a family member, or a carer, and we will arrange for you to meet your MP at this event.
Please come along, if at all possible, especially if you have never met your MP.

It is extremely important to increase the MP’s knowledge about MDS, and ensure they understand what impact the disease has on you and your family’s life.

Only then, they will be able to represent your needs and rights in Parliament correctly and help ensure you receive the right care and treatment you need.

In Support of your Clinical Staff

It is more important than ever to make politicians aware of the devastating effect that NHS cuts are having on patient care and clinical staff.

Your clinical team is ensuring they do the best they can for you – in very difficult circumstances.

If it was not for the utter dedication, professionalism, concern and constant over-time of the clinical staff, the care of patients would be affected even further.

It is a now well known fact that cancer patients who have access to a named nurse specialist cope better and have better health outcomes that those who don’t. If you do not have access to a proper clinical nurse specialist – please let your MP know.

Read all the facts in this Cancer Patient Experience Survey conducted by the Dept of Health, and summarized by Macmillan.

We all need you there, to explain this to your MP and to tell them what your clinical or social experience has been as a patient with a rare cancer – the excellent, the good, the bad, and the ugly experiences. They NEED to hear it all from YOU.

Contact us by 4th April

Interested people should email or call us in first instance (mds-uk@mds-foundation.org or 02077337558)

Please get in touch with us by 4th April latest – so we have time to organise at our MDS group level.

If you cannot attend in person, but would like to contact your MP – please write us a letter addressed to you MP – about you and your experiences of MDS – and we will hand it over to him/her at the event.

We hope to see you there – and make it an event to remember for you and all MP’s.

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