European Bone Marrow Transplant Society 2013 Patient & Family Day – 06/04/2013

MDS Patient Support


In 2013 the annual meeting of the European Bone Marrow Transplant Society (EBMT) will be held in London.

As part of the annual meeting, the EBMT 2013 Patient & Family Day is to be held Saturday 6th April 2013. This day provides an important opportunity for patients, donors and carers to meet with leading international transplant clinicians. A series of plenary sessions and workshops throughout the day will allow both formal and informal interactions between delegates and speakers. Patients who have had, or expect to have, a bone marrow transplant are given the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the field, to understand how best to manage any complications and how to adjust to life after transplant. Previous and prospective stem cell donors too will have the chance to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of their donation.

Click here to fill in the online Patient Questionnaire – participation will allow patients to influence the topics covered on the EBMT 2013 Patient & Family Day.

The survey will also allow you to show your interest in attending.

Please fill out the questionnaire by 21st September if you can.