Anita Jamieson and Rachel Parrish-Crighton held an incredibly successful table top sale on 17th February in Marston Village Hall selling donated items to raise funds for MDS UK Patient Support Group & Bloodwise. During the event they also run a raffle, a tombola, a cake stall and charged a small entry fee.

Through all these activities they managed to raise an amazing £3,000, which was split equally between MDS UK Patient Support Group & Bloodwise.

In addition, Rachel brought in cake for donations, raising an extra £100 for MDS UK Patient Support Group, at a dress-down day at her workplace: Frontier Agriculture.

They told us in an email:

Our Dad was diagnosed with MDS at the age 68 and is currently having intensive chemotherapy in Addenbrookes Hospital, where he has to stay in for the next four weeks. This is all in preparation for a bone marrow transplant.

MDS Patient Support
Top Table Sale

It is truly humbling meeting people like Anita and Rachel. They are going through tough times, and yet, they find the energy and the drive to organise a fundraising event which will make a real difference to all MDS patients and their love ones.

They not only raised money, but made more people aware of this rare blood cancer. This is particularly important for rare conditions which are totally unknown amongst the general population.

We are immensely grateful to Anita, Rachel, and all their friends and donors.

All the money raised will go to ensure that MDS patients and families receive the attention and information they need during those particularly difficult times – straight after diagnosis, at treatment changes, time of transplant or progression of the condition.

MDS Patient Support
MDS Patient Support
MDS Patient Support
MDS Patient Support

Free donations by shopping