When my wife of 54 years sadly passed away on 8 April 2021 after a short but devastating illness, she had chosen the MDS Patients Support Group as her nominated charity for donations primarily to support the group that had helped me over many years.

Donations following her funeral have reached almost £1,800 to date, with the wish that it can be applied to a specific need on the MDS agenda.

Elaine and Kevin Peter Izod

MDS Patient Support

I was initially diagnosed with Aplastic Anaemia in 2003 and after immunosuppressive ATG treatment, my condition mutated into MDS in 2011. I have been looked after by the team at King's College Hospital ever since and at 79, I am thankfully reasonably fit and continuing to work as an Architect. I have kept in touch with the group from time to time and have attended the London Patients Forums whenever possible.


Our deepest condolences to Elaine's family and friends.

We thank Peter and their friends for these funds that will help us assist more patients and families affected by MDS.

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