Daisy Turner – an inspirational young MDS survivor

Daisy Turner and her MDS experience


We are pleased to share the story of a very brave and inspirational young MDS patient – Daisy Turner.

Daisy was diagnosed with MDS as a teenager and represents one of the uncommonly occurring cases of MDS in young people. However, her young age isn’t the only thing that makes her story unique. After being successfully treated with Bone Marrow Transplant few years ago, Daisy made a decision to dedicate her career to support other young people suffering from cancer. She now works as Fundraising Manager for CLIC Sargent – UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young people, and their families.

Her enthusiasm and commitment were recently recognised by Platform505 – an on-line site providing inspiration, thought and discussion for women who take an active part in life and have something to say.

An interview conducted by Platmorm505 with Diasy was published on their website last month – please click here to see the article.


The interview can also be found on our Patient stories page – please click here to see the stories of our members: Joseph Vella, Christina Fowler, Jayne Snell, Maynel Vessey and Daisy Turner.

More stories will be added to this page in future – to help other patients and their families to learn to live with MDS and share experiences.

Please get in touch if you too would like to share your MDS story –  whether you are a patient, family member or friend.
Email it to mds-uk@mds-foundation.org, or mail it to our main office.
You may talk about any aspect of the condition, or how your experience has affected or changed you.
Feel free to add photos as well.


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