Christmas Poem 2020 – by Kate D.

Christmas Poem 2020 - by Kate D.

A tradition of traditions
that once a year
consumes us with
Nutcracker images,
ginger and spice,
stockings and F.C.,
a decorated tree.
But to me,
I look around and
see the secret of Christmas…

Lights twinkling,
a sparkle of
glitter and idealised
childhood Christmases.
I could go on, but I
stop as
Beauty is everywhere
if you look beyond the obvious.

Look at loved ones;
their smiles, their eyes-
gestures and laughter
from deep within.
Explore expressions of
excitement and pleasure,
surprise and comfort
when disappointment
and loneliness threaten to

Beauty of actions of
loving and giving-
sharing and caring,
beyond the wrapping
which becomes
the beauty of pleasure

Look outside at the
landscape, the townscape
and colours of nature
silhouetted trees against the
sunrise and sunsets,
the sparkle of raindrops
falling in shop-lit puddles.

The Beauty of Christmas
is all around us.
look carefully around you,
beyond you, close to you.
The beauty of Christmas is yours.

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