Call to Action Report
24 Oct. 2014MDS – Call to Action Report
MDS World Awareness Day is taking place on Saturday 25th October, where patients and patient groups come together to raise awareness of MDS and help to improve the standard of treatment for these patients.
To coincide with this important date and together with blood cancer charity Leukaemia CARE, MDS UK is launching a report:
‘Addressing the management of MDS in elderly patients’, calling for better care for older MDS patients whose care needs are still unmet.
This document is available for download, here: Call to Action report
There is growing evidence to suggest that cancer is under treated in elderly patients, an example of this is with MDS, which predominately affects patients aged over 60. The report reveals that elderly people with MDS are not consistently being managed according to official treatment guidelines, resulting in substandard care.
What are we calling for?
We are calling for all of those working within the field of MDS and its treatment to take action and implement the recommendations outlined in the report to improve patient care and experiences.
If you have any questions about the report, or would like to help us in disseminating this information, please get in touch.
Please do take a copy of this important document to your MP as well.
The report is the outcome of a round table with geriatricians, MDS experts, haematology nurses and patient groups.
We would like to thank all involved in the production of this report for their input and expertise.
Further information for clinical staff:
- British Society of Haematology MDS Treatment Guidelines – please download here MDS Guidelines 2014-BSH (for clinical staff).
- MDS GP FACT SHEET August 2013 – for GP’s
For everyone:
If you would like to find out more and support MDS World Awareness Day – please go to:
- News post on MDS World Awareness Day
- MDS UK Patient Support Group Facebook
- hashtag #MDSBloodCancer on Twitter
- MDS Alliance website – the new international umbrella group for MDS Patient groups
Thank you
MDS UK & Leukaemia CARE
MDS UK Contacts:
Tel 0207 733 7558 – Helpline 9am to 6pm – Mon-Fri
Facebook MDS UK Patient Support Group
Twitter @MDS_UK
Leukaemia CARE Contacts:
Tel: 01905 755977 – 24-hour CARE Line: 08088 010 444 (free from landlines and all major mobile networks)
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