25th of October: MDS World Awareness Day 2020 – Take Part!

MDS Patient Support

MDS World Awareness Day 2020: FACES OF MDS

It’s time to get your pens, brushes and camera out for MDS WAD on Sunday October 25th!

This is a crucial day for the worldwide MDS community to make a stand against this rare blood cancer and raise much needed awareness!

We would like to encourage as many people from MDS UK as possible to get involved, becoming part of a wider collective voice.

This year's theme from the MDS Alliance is "Faces of MDS", an education and awareness campaign involving sharing self-portraits and selfies with MDS facts.

Here's our first Face of MDS: the amazing Kate Darby!

MDS Patient Support

Here’s how to take part:

  • Take a look at the MDS Alliance website . Download and print out the handy templates, which include MDS facts.
  • Using these templates, you can draw a self-portrait or ask your children, grandchildren or friends to draw your portrait. You can also take a selfie using the MDS cut-out selfie template or with an MDS WAD fact sheet
  • Take photos of the drawings / selfies and post them and the selfies to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #FacesofMDS! and #MDSWAD2020.

You can also get involved without using social media.

Simply follow steps 1-2 above and then send your creations to secretariat@scientificeducationsupport.com following the instructions on the briefing guide (see below)

Go on, it’s time to become part of the collective voice and get involved with the easy to implement MDS WAD activities! 

We hope to see many of you involved!

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MDS Patient Support

MDSWAD russell

MDS Patient Support

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MDS Patient Support


MDS Patient Support

25th of October is World Awareness Day

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